I am in a country to where Skulpt Chisel is not shipped but I were able to buy it using Parcel. Please read this full message to understand.
If you want to buy Skultp Chisel and you are in a country like France, you can't buy from Skulpt shop because they only ship to Australia, Canada, United Kingdom and United States.
My Skulpt Aim, I had to bought from an Ebay seller. I want now to buy the Skulpt Chisel but there is no one selling on Ebay, luckly I found other great option :-)
Using Parcl, a forwarder person can buy the Skulpt Chisel in UK and for instance, forward to me in France :-)
Please find here the website for Parcl: https://www.parcl.com/
I bought the Skulpt Chisel using Parcl:
I got the package and it is all perfect. It took about 32 days since I bought online on Skulpt web site and received it on my mail :-)
The Skulpt Chisel seems to use the same packaging and the Skulpt Aim - many things are shared like the charging doc, the Sklupt Aim/Chisel enclosure, etc (for instance, there are 2 buttons on right side on the enclosure that are used on Aim but on Chisel they don't have any function).
The Android app seems to be just the same for both Aim and Chisel. I would say, if you have a working Aim, stick with it, even because the LCD is better for making the measurements.
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