Here it is another update of my famous skinpack for the S100 platform of Car Navi Players from roadnav company.
The November update bring some fixes like the Opera10 switch and MydDean Player for 1.0.11 firmware, some new screens skinned in various skins and a brand new tool called Themer .
The Themer right now is available only for Skin6 (MyDean) and will allow the user to change the wallpaper, the icons or both:
(more pics will come soon).
A demo movie of themer in action:
At first run THEMER will install the resources on the unit so that you can easily switch items as you like. in the speed of a screen change.
If you'd like to change the wallpapers with yours, I added a file browser that will let you select the png image you like (It need to be 800x480).
If you'd like to modify the existing graphic you can find it in the folder "\Skinmanager\Extras\Themer\Skin6-resources".
The second big news is that the MyDean player now work only on firmware 1.10.9 and 1.0.11 becasue only on these 2 firmwares we have full support for radioeditor and mydean player simultaneusly.
The skinned screens can be viewed on the release notes:
- Skin6: Fixed main menu icons for Fiesta, Fixed Ipod Shuflle and Repeat buttons, Fixed Radio station buttons.
- Fixed ToggleInputPanel in IDFaker
- Fixed ThemerLaunch.mscr that prevent running without external storage.Updated Skin2 with DVR files04.11.2015
- Skinned DVR for skin6
- Skinned DVR for skin5
- Added THEMER app to Extras section, it work for all skins but right now it's available only in skin6 (in place of GAMES)
- Slimmed a bit skin6 font.
- Changed main background in skin6 to support themer.
- Changed to red the RDS text in skin6 and reallined other labels.
- Skin3: changed BT/wifi/3g etc icons
- Skinned DVR in skin3
- Skinned DVR in skin4
- Skinned all sound settings in skin3 including DSP
- Fixed Opera 10/Operamini switching procedure
- Separate Nitrogen config files for skin2 and skin6. Now, in every unit skin, Nitrogen could have different skins.
- Skinned skin3 IPOD.
Fixed time position in home screen
- Extended Buttons Functions switch to all available functions
- Skin3 Skinned: WorldClock, SysInfo, Settings General
- Added clock in IPod skin5.
- Bigger time in mydean player for skin5
- Fixed MyDean player and RadioEditor behaviour: Mydean can be dafault only on fw 1.10.9 or 1.0.11
For last I improved the "Change Buttons Functions" tool adding all the available functions: by default it will replace button with the audio player but if you need you have a hge list of functions to choose from.
All the people who already bought my skinpacks can get their update in the Gdrive folder, please always delete the old Skinmanager from SD card and extract the new one in it.
If you have the autoupdate function enabled in the SM settings it will ask you automatically to update, otherwise do it manually before updating the skins.
A big tnx to my friends EAC, Alex and everybody who's helping me developing all this:)
To satisfy more user requests and to have a more uniform portfolio I decided to change also the Skinpacks compostition, so now the people can buy also a "mini" skinpack made of a just a couple of skins (Skin2 and another skin choosable betwen Skin3, Skin4 and Skin6) or a mix of skins of his choice according to the folliwing prices:
Skin2 will be always included in every skinpack and will be considered as a free gift.
Skin3, Skin4 and Skin6 costs 10 euro each.
Skin5 (Carplay) cost 20 euro.
Skin5 (Carplay) cost 20 euro.
2 Skins in a choice of Skin3,4,6 cost 20 euro
Skin5 + 1 skin in a choice of 3,4 or 6 cost 25 euro
Skin5 + 1 skin in a choice of 3,4 or 6 cost 25 euro
2 Skins (choice of 3,4,6) + Skin5 cost 30 euro (like the old fullpack)
The Full 6 Skinpack cost 40 euro.
In this way I cover all the possible combination, giving a wide variety of prices and discounts on bigger packages.
To buy a skinpack select the version you like in the list below and hit the BuyNow button.
After payment I will send you an invitation to the GoogleDrive folder that contain the skinpack you have choosen and i will request you your unit model number as described before.
Once I'll have the model number you'll receive the activator file to be pasted in the skinmanager folder.
So this time the procedure is not automatic, you will not be redirected to my dropbox links, you will have to wait for my replies. Please don't hammer me if I'll be late sometimes, I'm human, i sleep at night and i have a real job. I hope you understand that.
Regards, KoTiX.
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