Welcome to our free browsing update 2016 on this blog and remember to always share this website articles with friends and family, free internet for all the networks mtn,airtel,etisalat,Glo.
Unlimited free browsing working on all devices with easy to activat once you follow all instruction we privide, Meanwhile it all depends on the network and devices which can include laptop, android decoders, mobile device and usb modems.
Please Note that for the sake of blogging we bring you this tips to meet all your download needs as our tutoria will guide you to archieve all your downloading needs and you can always ask your questions using the comment box below.
At the time of publishing this article all details provided here are working on major web browsers.

1. MTN Music Plus Package

This depends on the Mtn sim card you have as it may be selective but you can give it a try and you may get 150mb, to activate now that it is still working and get free data music plus 150mb, send MUSIC to 5900. To check your MTN music plus data balance dial *559*2#
You can use this to browse the internet on your browser but if your browser refuse to connect you can download the Psiphon Pro Lite Handler app from Jonesaren and configure it with the following settings.
Proxy type ­- real host 
Proxy server ­- musicplus.mtnonline.com/touch/index.html#index­page
Real Proxy server ­-
Real Proxy type ­- inject 
Host address
Port 8080 
Now go to options 
Region : Japan 
still under option, click on more option 
Tick connect through HTTP 
Go back to the app psiphon menu. 
Save and Connect 

                                                     PART 2

To continue using MTN MusicPlus Unlimited With just 15 Naira. At the moment it is working as free browsing and affordable Browsing solutions to all the followers of this blog. Mtn MusicPlus free browsing is the best free browsing available now because it is reliable with fast speed and downloading, to continue activating the auto renewal and making it unlimited with just 15 Naira Airtime follow the below steps.

=> You should have at least N15 credit in your MTN line
=> Send a text message by texting C to 5900
=> N15 will be removed/deducted from your sim card and you will be given 150mb

=> Once you have exhaust the 150mb and you want to renew it, simply Send cancel7c to 5900 and this will allow you to unsubscribe from the plan.
=> Now send C to 5900 to get another 150mb with another N15
=> The more data you need the more N15 will be deducted from your account. Just keep on doing it after you have exhausted your 150mb.

If you like this and you want free browsing on other network like mtn,airtel,etisalat,Glo you can drop your email using comment box below.

                                                     PART 3


Load #150 airtime on your phone and start browsing by dialing *567*59# or *661*2#

Whenever you reach 500mb you receive the speed throttle message from mtn, just ignore and keep browsing if you dial *567*59#, your speed throttle will not be affected even if you receive this message continuously from mtn. just continue Ignoring the message and continue browsing.

However if you dial the alternative code which is *661*2# the speed throttle after you attain 500mb will be applied you can use this code if the first code do not work for your sim card.

Glo BIS On Android And PC 2016

This is one is not free browsing it is just a cheap and affordable data plan on all devices though so many people are not using it because of glo weak network coverage in some parts of nigeria, but it has been saving many from expensive data subscription. One interesting thing about Glo BISis that, the data is accumulative. That is, you can get 3gb for 1k and subscribe again for 1k and get 6gb and 9gb for 3k and so on.

You must have a blackberry device to use this, you can look for any cheap blackberrydevice and subscribe for the plan then create an mobile hot spot from your blackberry phone and get all your device connected to the internet, to subscribe simply check this link for more details.

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