Ding Dong, Ding Dong! A week ago, I have interested in a very simple and creative game which has a lots of players around the world. It is called Minecraft. In minecraft world allows players to build the amazing things in mind with given blocks in a virtual world of minecraft and enjoy to be killed by zombie and other mobs every night world (Hehe, My minecraft had been killed by them many time). No need to bring more details because everybody knew what is minecraft. If you don't, please google "Minecraft".

Today, I am going to show you how could you construct a Ding Dong toy in minecraft. A Ding Dong toy is a circuit which brought to generate the tone "Ding Dong" automatically. There is no electricity in minecraft, but we could still build a circuit in minecraft using Redstone power. Redstone power is power come from combustion of red stone and be able to transmit a long the red stone wire. To create a Ding Dong toy, you're required to have Redstone Duct, Redstone Torch, Redstone Repeater and Note block

Redstone Duct is particles of red stone and a good material to transmit red stone power from source to destination. It is used to draw a red stone wire and transmit power in circuit of minecraft world. However, the red stone power which transmit on the wire gradually loses depend on the distance of transmission. Therefore, red stone repeater is required to regenerate the power to be back stronger. And about red stone torch is used in two different function, first is a torch to illuminate the minecraft world and to burn the red stone duct, second is the output of red stone power. Burning the red stone torch is a signal to conduct other component to process their work. In easy example of this article, I burn the red stone torch continuously and the torch will bring their heat to conduct the Note blocks to generate a musical note, Ding Dong.

Graphic above explains how to take advantage from delay of red stone power transmission using NOT Gate. NOT Gate is an inverse gate. In example, A connected to B using NOT Gate, if A is ON will lead OFF as result in B and vice versa.

A green block with Redstone torch and Redstone duct at inverse side constructs a NOT Gate in minecraft. A red stone power with a delay tick and wire connect in a circle to different poles of NOT Gate makes an ON/OFF circuit, and Redstone repeater regenerate the power infinitely.

As you saw, if torch burns the red stone wire, after a delay tick and power regenerating, power will be transmitted and make other pole ON (burned) which leads to extinguish the torch because of NOT Gate, the torch is OFF not burn the red stone wire leads OFF to other pole, and NOT Gate makes the torch ON (burned) again. The process of burning/extinguishing again and again makes an ON/OFF circuit and leads to build a Ding Dong toy.

To create a Ding Dong toy, you just need to put Note block near the torch. The heat will signal Note block to generate the tone, Ding Dong. Enjoy! :)[Video Demo]

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