So after many firmware and app updates, finally I see Healbe GoBe detecting "something" on calories intake.
Seems difficult to believe and so I will keep testing until I found if I will trust on GoBe for the automatic calorie intake measurements. 

I did the firmware update that were release on 20 January 2016 and Healbe posted the news on his blog:
Other new & upcoming featuresAfter days of research and testing, we can now deliver you better accuracy for smaller meals and snacks (100 calories +). We’ve included a reminder below on how you can make sure GoBe accurately measures the food and beverages you consume. What’s more, Android users can now see separate calorie readings for each meal they consume (update for iOS will available soon). 
The improvement for smaller meals intake calories reading were already announced before and I tested but for me there were no improvements - anyway, I took GoBe from the drawer and decided to test again.

This is my firmware and app version after the update:

I am using my Fitbit Charge HR to monitor my activity and also to log my food. Let's compare today values from Fitbit Charge HR with the Healbe GoBe!!

On left, the Fitbit app showing that I ate (in) 2460 kcals and that I spent (out) 3122 kcals. The in value were inserted by me manually, at each meal.
On the right, the Healbe GoBe app showing that I ate 2372 kcals (automatically measured) and that I spent 2938 kcals.

So, for the calories I ate: 2460 VS 2372 !! It is really near - good work Healbe GoBe!!

The calories I spent: 3122 VS 2938 - but wait, GoBe value is not considering the time from 0h up to 7h30 (my sleep time that I didn't used GoBe) and I need to add my metabolic value for that time (about 80 kcals for each hour).
The calories I spent: 3122 VS 3538 is not that far, it's good.


Now going to the details. The first meal, breakfast, I ate 348 kcals but GoBe detected 476 - much more, a difference of +128.

For the morning snack + lunch I ate 245 + 1052 kcals = 1297 (I must say that my lunch value may have a some bit of error). GoBe detected 1007 kcals, a difference of -290. Not far for a such a sum of 2 different meals.

Then I ate my afternoon snack e later my dinner, 245 + 570 kcals = 815. GoBe detected 888 -- not far also.

So, adding all the negative e positive differences over the day, the final value is pretty good!! I am really impressed but I will keep testing until I found if I trust or not on Healbe GoBe.

The firmware update before added automatic hydration detection, something that is unique on the activity trackers. And I must say that it seems to work well!! For instance, detection when I started my Zumba class that started at 20h, we can see the huge drop and the reallity is that I swear a lot on the Zumba classes:

And now an example of my karate class where I swear much less. Note that I took off GoBe during the class and put it after - it detected very well my lack of hydration after the class!!

 And now the heart rate, a comparison of the values on the Zumba class.
GoBe measures an average value at each 5 minutes. On this example, max average value of 122.

 Fitbit reports an average total value of 126:

And FitBit a more "easy to read" graph on the app:

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