Everyone hates ads! Pre Internet era, ads used to nag us between TV and Radio programmes. However, Opera has a plan that can make you hate ads less. How? Well, the Norweigian company introduced this ingenious idea where a mobile user gets to surf the Internet for free (via Opera Mini of course) in exchange for watching ads. The ads basically pay for your web-browsing fees to your operator.

This is very similar to the free web browsing plans that cell phone operators in India use giving free access to Twitter and Facebook pages via customised versions of browsers or the portal. An ad is played either at intervals or will be played at the beginning of the pass access period giving users plenty of browsing time in between. Once the free-browsing period ends, the user is lead to a soft landing page, which will either ask the user to pay for browsing or simply engage with another free-browsing session powered by ads.
Opera’s Sponsored Web Pass is currently not available in India, but it would be great to see a platform that benefits the advertiser as well as the user.

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