online programme titled as {Jonesarena Exclusive}
Cyberbug Drones
Today's drones are the size of airplanes and pretty visible in the sky. The future of the drone is known as the Cyberbug. With the ability to enter almost any location, the drone can record sounds, gather information and create privacy nightmares.
Sightings of robotic-looking insects — combined with reports that the Pentagon is working on cyborg insects — is prompting people to speculate that the government has perhaps already deployed this super-cool technology. As the Washington Post reports in an article that truly made my day:
"I’d never seen anything like it in my life," Washington lawyer said. "They were large for dragonflies. I thought, ‘Is that mechanical, or is that alive?’ "That is just one of the questions hovering over a handful of similar sightings at political events in Washington and New York. Some suspect the insectlike drones are high-tech surveillance tools, perhaps deployed by the Department of Homeland Security.
Of course, as the article notes, no agency admits to actually deploying Elvis insect bugs, but hey, why would they?
The Tube Trains
Zoom to your location in less than an hour on futuristic tube trains. Not only will this cause major hassle problems, but more of nature will be dug up along the way to install these tube trains.
vacuum tube train is a proposed, as-yet-unbuilt design for future high-speed railroad transportation. It is a maglev line run through evacuated (air-less) or partly evacuated tubes or tunnels. The lack of air resistance could permit vactrains to use little power and to move at extremely high speeds, up to 4000–5000 mph (6400–8000 km/h, 2 km/s), or 5–6 times the speed of sound at standard conditions. Though the technology is currently being investigated for development of regional networks, advocates have suggested establishing vactrains for transcontinental routes to form a global network.
Vactrain tunnels could permit very rapid intercontinental travel. Vactrains could use gravity to assist their acceleration. If such trains went as fast as predicted, the trip between Beijing and New York would take less than 2 hours, supplanting aircraft as the world's fastest mode of public transportation.
However, without major advances in tunnelling and other technology, vactrains would be prohibitively expensive. Alternatives such as elevated concrete tubes with partial vacuums have been proposed to reduce costs.
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