Please Note: We are here to deliver this service to those who want them both ku and c-band. This means that interested individuals in need of such services can subscribe for it by only a little fee of ₦3,500 for 6month you can get all latest Vu keys and biss keys and softcam key sent to you by email on a regular update when the keys change.
For use of this keys we have service support for decoders in openbox series
Strong srt 4922 etc
Special service for special channel package we have all PowerVu keys plus all biss keys also softcam file.
Why dont we combine the services together so you can get both keys from us by your subscription by email, while some of you may see this service a source of resouces generation, before you criticize this service you can choose to be out of it or part of it but recall that people are working hard to see that these keys are made available and such effort need to be rewarded with some small revenue for those that involve their effort also invest their time and talent as a gift of appreciation to those that work with us here at african global satellite blog, and fair enough is that all keys are ready for use with much effort been done to archieve all these excellent result from Jonesarena we think that this is something worthy of support.
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