Kindly Notice:
· IPTV Channels: 500 Plus
· IPTV Validity: 12month price for $45
(We will send the YIPTV username and password together with your order!
You can activate your YIPTV account when you start to use the Android Box)
· For better watch, the bandwidth, should be over 4M to enjoy
the HD channels smoothly.
How to install our YIPTV and activate the code?
Make sure the Wifi is connected before using the box

1 Step: Connect the box with Battery adapter, HDMI cable to the TV, Power on, and go to
the Home Page,Choose APP on the screen as below and OK.

2 Step: Go to AppInstaller as below:

3 Step: Choose to install from USB flash Driver (Please firstly download our APK to your USB
Flash driver and plug-in to the box)

4 Step: Choose our IPTV apk in your USB flash driver, and press OK to install.

Install as below:

5 Step: You can click Open after you install the APK, or you can click Done and back to
the Home page, then find the IPTV in APP selection.

6 Step: Start to Activate the YIPTV by using the Code I gave to you.

Till now, all operations have been finished, and you can start to use our YIPTV and watch
the IPTV channels.
Below are our YIPTV channels screenshots for your reference.

Here below are our YIPTV channels list for your reference.
Here below are our YIPTV channels list for your reference.

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