So, I am being using the Skult Aim for measuring myself, everyday, for about 2 months and I AM VERY HAPPY!!
My fitness devices I use daily are the Skulpt Aim and the Basis Peak. Also I hope to receive in a few days the Healbe GoBe for which I have high expectations!!

Yesterday I did measure my Zumba Fitness instructor, which is a man with very little fat but also has not very large muscles - as seen on the next picture:

Here are his measures, using screenshots from Skultp Aim app:

And now my measures:
My results from the last 2 months are excelent, I think, and they are:
  • Fat: 21.9% to 17.2% ---> reduction of 4.7%
  • Muscle: 102 to 114 ---> increase of 12 values
NOTE: My mainly physical activity is Zumba (about 80%) and I do others like swimming on the ocean or on the pool. 

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