Although I will just receive my Healbe GoBe today, I am being following the Healbe GoBe unofficial Beta Tester group.

One common problem is the NO CONTACT issue that some users are having. Now one user (thanks
Sergey Lamygo!could understand a bit more about the problem and shared a possible solution:
Hi all. This day came when all of a sudden my Gobe started displaying "NO CONTACT". I hadn't been wearing the strap too tight before but after this message, like other users with this message, I adjusted the strap and it helped for a while. The message appeared constantly and Gobe kept on shutting itself off after a minute of "NO CONTACT". My heart rate and energy graphs were recorded with a lot of interruptions. In the comments I'll show how I have fixed this with a bit of DIY.

First, I noticed that the sensor plate became so loose that I could almost remove it which I finally did as the device was not much of a use already anyway smile emoticon What I found underneath was rubber gasket and nothing else that is connected to the sensor plate. The only thing that was on the plate was a small pin via which the plate was communicating to whatever is supposed to be inside the Gobe.

What I noticed later was if you press the corner where that pin is with your thumb the message "NO CONTACT" disappears. So the only thing you had to do is to make sure that that corner of the sensor plate is pushed inwards as much as possible. I stuck small square pads cut out of a sticky bandage.

Now it's working fine for a day already with no supertightening adjustments of the strap.

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